Hello! You've discovered this guide cause you want to host a TF2C server! If this is your first time don't worry! We'll get through this easy! Also remember to open up the links they will contain useful stuff and images! ///////////////////////////////////// INSTALLING THE SERVER ///////////////////////////////////// 1. First step you want to go download SteamCMD -- https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD#Downloading_SteamCMD You'll want to grab the windows edition of SteamCMD, as for the time being TF2C only supports Windows Servers. I will update this if it gets Linux and Mac support later on. 2. Now that you have steamCMD you'll want to extract it to a folder where you want to keep all of the files with it so just create a folder called "steam servers" for simpleness. Extract the steamcmd.exe into the "steam servers" folder you just created. 3. Now you'll want to run it. At first a bunch of shit will appear and it will update if it's missing files or it needs to update (for appids updates). 4. Now that it's updating you'll be presented wtih this. -- http://horobox.co.uk/u/kiwithehopelessromantic_1421027053.png You'll want to type in "login anonymous" this is will connect us anonymously and allow us to download the server files. 5. Once it has logged in anonymously. You can now type in the following into the steamCMD prompt -- app_update 244310 -beta upcoming App_update is the command to install the server Source SDK 2013 MP Base Dedicated -beta is a variable where we can choose to install the "upcoming" beta files which we need to run TF2C It will download for a while depending on your internet connection but it shouldn't take long :) 6. Once the server is done installing you can close steamCMD. Now navigate to steamapps\common\Source SDK Base 2013 Dedicated Server where we will find the completed server files! Now if you have the mod download files with the latest patch available you should extract the tf2classic folder into here and merge the patch with tf2classic folder and it should look like this -- http://horobox.co.uk/u/kiwithehopelessromantic_1421024792.png 7. Now we are going to create a batch file. So we can auto restart the server when it crashes! ////////////////////////////////////////// COPY BELOW ////////////////////////////////////////// For simple reasons we can just copy this and it will work @echo off cls echo Protecting srcds from crashes... echo If you want to close srcds and this script, close the srcds window and type Y depending on your language followed by Enter. title srcds.com Watchdog :srcds echo (%time%) srcds started. start /wait srcds.exe -game tf2classic -port 27015 -console -tickrate 128 -maxplayers 24 +map ctf_2fort echo (%time%) WARNING: srcds closed or crashed, restarting. goto srcds -port you can set to any port you like but you must open the ports 27005-27020 for it to be joinable 27105 is by default and works 99.9% of the time, so unless you're running multiple servers on the one computer there is no need to change this -console brings it into console mode, a much more direct way of starting the server -game defines the game+files it uses so we want "tf2classic" to be that so no need to change this -tickrate defines how many ticks it does per second, 66 tickrate is recommended and is optimal -maxplayers defines how many players can joinable +map defines which map it starts when starting the server So when you use the batch file we just created when it crashes, it will restart immediantly unless you stop the restart script and then close the server 8. Now navigate to the tf2classic folder and then into cfg We want to open up server.cfg, if it does not exist create one with your favorite text editor (note for notepad users, if you save it and you don't click file type to all files and remove the .txt and save it as .cfg it will still save it as a .txt) Now we can copy this //////////////////////////////////////// COPY THIS //////////////////////////////////////// sv_alltalk 1 hostname tf2c_bunnyjump_max_speed_factor 2 tf2c_duckjump 1 tf2c_groundspeed_cap 3 sv_airaccelerate 25 // Thanks to Sndrec/Darkomni on Steam/FP for this balance bunnyhop config, he also did the Bunnyhop TF2 Tutorial as well. Wanna learn the bhop? // You can learn here https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7539801/bhoptut.webm mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0 mp_autoteambalance 1 //To prevent teams getting locked after trying GRN/YOLO tf_flag_caps_per_round 3 mp_disable_respawn_times 1 //Because It's annoying to wait 15 sec if you're testing something/playing just with three other ppl, which is the case most of the time.Thanks to PHrag for providing this sv_maxupdaterate 128 sv_maxcmdrate 128 mp_idledealmethod 0 rate 100000 heartbeat echo Config Complete sv_alltalk allows or disallows players to talk to all players. 1 allows all players to talk, 0 does not hostname changes the name's server so change this and remove the quotation marks The tf2c commands are part of the mod, they include bhopping and the cartoony muzzleflash! So we want them on for PURE ORIGINAL TF2C sv_maxupdaterate and sv_maxcmdrate allows for us to control how much data is sent and recieved to the server, adjust these for your own configuration, but for now change this with the tickrate so -tickrate 128 we want to use sv_maxupdaterate 128 and sv_maxcmdrate 128 rate 100000 is the max bits the server can receive/send this does not change the tickrate heartbeat creates an extra tick so this completes echo Config Complete lets you know it's done configuring 9. Almost there! Now we can start the server! So that batch script file we made? We can double click that and it will start it when you start it if you wait a few minutes depending on how fast your server or computer is it should look like this -- http://horobox.co.uk/u/kiwithehopelessromantic_1421072932.png that means we started it! and if its working it should appear joinable for everyone :D if you've port forwarded, it should also appear in the master list so can now! congrats we made it!